I/O STREAMS : objects and manipulators, examples _________________________________________________________________________ The standard input/output (I/O) library for C++ is , not . Although C++ supports the "old" I/O functions, you should probably get use to using streams. The following provides the basics of using C++ streams. OBJECTS AND MANIPULATORS C++ I/O OBJECTS ===================================== | Object Name Default Device | |-------------------------------------| | cin Keyboard | | cout Screen | | cerr Screen | | clog Screen | ===================================== C++ I/O MANIPULATORS ================================================================ | Manipulator Description | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | dec Decimal output | | hex Hexadecimal output | | oct Octal output | | endl End of line (or \n) | | ends End of string (or \0) | | flush Flushes buffer | | resetiosflags(long) Resets effect of setiosflags | | setprecision( int ) Secifies digits of precision | | setiosflags( format flag ) Sets format flag | | setw( int ) Sets field width | ================================================================ C++ I/O FORMAT FLAGS ================================================================ | Format Flag Description | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | ios::left Left-justified output within width | | ios::right Right-justified output within width | | ios::scientific Formats numbers in scientific notation | | ios::fixed Normal decimal format | | ios::dec Formats numbers in base 10 | | ios::hex Formats numbers in base 16 | | ios::oct Formats numbers in base 8 | | ios::uppercase Scientific notation characters uppercase | | ios::showbase Force base prefix in output | | ios::showpos Show '+' sign for positive numbers | ================================================================ EXAMPLES The following snippet shows how to use the basics of using C++ I/O streams. The insert operator '<<' and extraction operator '>>' are used to send and get data from the screen and keyboard. // io.cp #include #include void main( void ) { int i; float f; char c; cout << "Enter an integer: "; cin >> i; cout << "Enter a float: "; cin >> f; cout << "Enter a character: "; cin >> c; cout << endl; cout << "Default formats" << endl; cout << i << endl; cout << f << endl; cout << c << endl; cout << endl << "Other formats" << endl; cout << hex << i << endl; cout << setprecision(2) << f << endl; cout << setiosflags( ios::scientific ) << f << endl; } // end io.cp